We are studying to be translators at the New Start Institute; our names are Olga López,  Silvana Ríos Buhaidar and Natalia Tolosa. The project of a Web Site started in a class of Language I, whose teachers are Alicia María Baetti and Yolanda Inés Mendez

This page is the result of a group work conceived before our travel to Península Valdés. When planning our itinerary, the different topics were distributed according to the concerning each of us experience. In spite of this distribution, the development of the subjects has been a cooperative work among us, obtaining a conjuction of ideas, aims by coherent objectives reaching an integrative focus of the parts.

Our thanks are due in three quarters:

To the New Start Institute, for their support to this innovative investigation.

To our teachers, Alicia and Yolanda, for their smart criticism on a previous outline, which helped us to develop our management of the language.

To Sergio Vinas, for his offer of publishing this work.

We also thank Pablo Matías Pidone who helped us to design this page.

If you want to contact us, send your mail to specialenglish@hotmail.com


Somos un grupo de estudiantes del Traductorado Técnico Científico Literario de Inglés, del Instituto New Start; nuestros nombres son Olga Lopez, Silvana Ríos Buhaidar, y Natalia Tolosa.

El proyecto de la Web Site surgió en una clase de Lengua Inglesa I, propuesto por las profesoras de la cátedra, Yolanda Inés Mendez y Alicia María Baetti.

Esta página es el resultado de un trabajo grupal concebido previo a nuestro viaje a Península Valdés. Al planear el itinerario, se distribuyeron los diferentes temas de acuerdo a los puntos de interés de cada una. A pesar de dicha distribución el desarrollo de los mismos ha sido un trabajo cooperativo en el que se conjugaron ideas, objetivos, metas, obteniendo así una integración de las partes.

Nuestros agradecimientos están dirigidos a:

- A nuestras profesoras, Alicia y Yolanda, por sus inteligentes observaciones en el boceto previo, lo cual nos ayudó a mejorar nuestro uso de la lengua inglesa.

- Al Instituto New Start, por apoyarnos en esta investigación innovadora.

- A Sergio Vinas, por el ofrecimiento de publicar este trabajo.

También se agradece a Pablo Matías Pidone, quien colaboró en el diseño de esta página.


The start of this magic trip began in our classes. We planned it very well with happiness and love, and all the things we imagined a few weeks ago were true on 6th October in Plaza de Los Bomberos ( in Paraná, our city ) when we got on the bus.

After 23 hours on the coach we arrived to Puerto Madryn, a beautiful city, with friendly people. We stayed in apartments in groups of four or six, we really enjoyed this because we had to cook our meal, and it was great fun.

We were astonished watching the whales, they came so near to our boat that it was unbelievable. Also, in the playa El Doradillo ( beach ) we could see them very near.

In Caleta Valdés the sea elephants surprised us too, we spent our time staring at the incredible natural view; in Punta Tombo the same happened to us. There were many penguins which are really very funny, especially because of the way they walk.

We liked the visit to Gaiman where we saw the tea house where Lady Diana Spencer was.

We had the opportunity to practise our English as the tour guide spoke in this language most of the time.

In the evening we had a fantastic time dancing at a disco, where the people were very kind to us.

Our adventure did not finish there, some of us went diving and others sunbathed in the beach.

During the returning journey we stopped in Sierra Grande ( Province of Río Negro ) to visit the iron mine, where we were explained how people work there, we really felt as miners.

Now, after staying in Peninsula Valdés for a week, we know that it is another world, a wonderful place in Argentina. We enjoyed a lot the marvellous adventure of visiting this place, we will never forget it.

List of the students who stayed in  Península Valdés and wrote this account.

Ariel Yulita. Victoria Macchi. Mariana Cruz. Mara Ferreyra. Matías Bertelotti. Valeria Pacífico. Gisela Reisenauer. Luciana Breton. Carina Mon. Martín Schell. Melania Maier. María Laura Arribillaga. Soledad Stekar. Paola Peñalva. Ayelen Bregant. Ignacio Folla. Natalia Gasparini. Matías Barroso. Alejandra Pacífico. Edwig Diaz. Cynthia Rubio. Laura Barquin. Adolfo Meurer. Fernanda Rocha. Luciana Colazo. Gabriela Nieres. Martín Etcheves. Natalia Bordín. Ariel Cabrera. Paula Cabrera. Soledad Basa. Diana Blejer. Andrea Basa. Lorena Basa. Victoria Rocha.

They are 17 years old and studying in the 4th English Course of New Start Institute